
bio wallThis is Simplest & Versatile Bio-wall System for Domestic as well as large scale outdoor installations.  This is multi cavity module system with 4 or 6 planting cavities. Each cavity is detachable and can be reused as a complete system. It has modularity for easy installation & handling. There is now gap in horizontal direction and one can adjust vertical gaps on the basis of plant selection  Module size large enough to support selected type of plants in Omnigreen system.

It was observed that for indoor plants the plant growth in low light conditions is very slow or standstill. Therefore the increase in plant density should be achieved. AS many of the indoor ground covers have smaller root zone,  Omnigreen Mini was designed to grow 8 plants per sft and give desired density. ELT media properties & water reservoir, together  satisfy the plant needs successfully.

The Omnigreen Mini system is further modified and living foam as a media is introduced after some modification in the module hardware. Some plants species like succulents and few others were taking longer time to grow. The  Omnigreen Mini module’s facia is trimmed and Living foam is introduced so that the rootzone volume is not reduced and there is no spillage of media. This makes plants independent of module and can be grown fully.

The system is designed to get securely installed on surfaces tilting in any direction, inverted direction, concave or convex surfaces and odd shapes. It can be securely fixed using screws to avoid pilferage. Easy water management with 16 mm commonly available emitter lines

The system is performing great  in North Indian climates varying from 0 to 48 degrees for last 4 years.

Bio wall systems offered by ELT

Omnigreen Biowall

  • The simplest & versatile bio-wall system for domestic as well as large scale installation
  • Modularity for easy installation & handling
  • Module size large enough to support many types of plants
  • Various ways of installation either with back support members or on suspended wire ropes and also on tilted surfaces
  • Easy water management with 16 mm commonly available emitter lines
  • 2 notches for options to run drip lines
  • dedicated water reservoir
  • Mounting option of direct installation on the wall
  • Optional joinery , either / or to hold modules and enable the flexibility of size in horizontal direction
  • Air buffer and also space to insert insulating materials to reduce the root zone temperature
  • Extra space for white roots in upper area & casts shadow on facia in peak time in the afternoon
  • Ribs to ensure drain and protect drain sleeve when stored in uninstalled condition on groude or horizontal surface
  • Sleeve / joinery to connect to drain
  • Deep groove for tongue & groove joinery that ensures secure installation & systems sustenance to high wind velocity, shocks & enabling secured installations in different tilted positions
  • Tongue function in tongue & groove type joinery that ensures secure installation & systems sustenance to high wind velocity, shocks & enabling secured installations in different tilted position
  • Ribs to align the modules correctly & provide strength
  • The dimensions , length , breadth & height are in the best proportion. maximum surface area is protected from exposure to environmental forces

Omnigreen Mini With Ecogrow Substrate

  • Latest addition to Ecogreen Landscape Technologies Pvt Ltd’s BIOWALL Products
  • Indoor Bio wall
  • Higher plant density 8 plants per sft.
  • Plants can be changed easily
  • Green wall designed for Succulents & Seasonal flowering plant
  • Good for Shade tolerant Ground covers
  • Easy to plant, install & maintain
  • Longevity enabled growth medium
  • In built water reservoir

Omnigreen Mini Biowall With Living Foam

  • The hydrophilic foam substrate is an additional feature. The pre grown plant sandwiches are placed in modified Omnigreen Mini modules to reduce front surface to give maximum vegetated surface and grow low growing ground covers & succulents.
  • Indoor Bio wall
  • Higher plant density 8 plants per sft.
  • The pre grown plant sandwiches are placed in modified Omnigreen Mini modules to reduce front surface to give maximum vegetated surface and grow low growing ground covers & succulents, without scarifying volume of the media.
  • Plants can be rearranged easily for change in design
  • Green wall designed for Succulents & Seasonal flowering plant
  • Good for Shade tolerant Ground covers
  • Easy to plant, install & maintain
  • Longevity enabled growth medium
  • In-built water reservoir

Other Vertical Garden System Offerings from ELT

  • All
  • Felt Systems
  • Green Facade
  • Green Wall Systems
  • Hanging Vertical Gardens
  • Living Wall Systems




Living Wall, Bio Wall, Green Wall, Living Pergola, LinearGreen, Green Matrix, Felt System, Hanging Vertical Gardens, Green Facade.



Includes Extensive & Intensive Green Roofs, ELT Vegetation Carrier, Modular Green Roof, Flexi Green Roof, Verdant Grass Paver.



Floating Pillars, Green Globes, Wall Art, Mosaiculture, Portable Green Screens, Urban Farming, Green Matrix Stands, Omni Green Biowall, Green Mats, Home Decor Product.



Spaces that provides view of thick foliage, colours, flowers, waterbodies, filtered ambient light, swaying vegetation, fragrance, choosing natural materials, forms and patterns.

Get in touch with ELT INDIA to create your own unique green spaces